Labels:bulletin board | earth | reckoner | sidewalk | sky OCR: GIFConverter Order Form Name Company Address City State Country Phone (optional) E-Mail Addresses optional Where did you hear about GIFConverter? Qty Item Description Price each Extension GIFC GIFConverter 2.3 Package $40.00 Includes Registration Latest version on diskette NEW! Printed bound documentation Key to disable shareware reminder message GIFDX Replacement/Upgrade Diskette 2.3 $5.00 GIFM Replacement/Upgrade Manual $5.00 3-hole punched stapled) GIFM2 Replacement/Upgrade Manual* *2.3 $8.00 (NEW! Bound with tagboard cover) Subtotal residents add local sales tax Add Shipping and Handling from table below Total *Registered users only Disks and manuals are included with each GIFC order. You can find updated program and documentation files on CompuServe GEnie and America Online as well : ...